Mombasa Honors Philanthropist Hasmukh 'Hasu' Patel with Unprecedented Farewell

A Community United in Mourning

The coastal city of Mombasa was a picture of both grief and respect on Sunday, September 1, 2024, as residents gathered to bid farewell to Hasmukh 'Hasu' Patel, the owner of Mombasa Cement Limited. Patel, well-known for his simplicity and philanthropic efforts, passed away on August 29 at the age of 58 after a brief illness. Despite his billionaire status, he was a figure otherwise characterized by modesty and a relentless dedication to helping others.

A Farewell Unlike Any Other

In Mombasa, the sense of loss was palpable. The city center came to a standstill as people from all walks of life came out to honor Patel’s memory. Initial arrangements began early in the morning as Patel’s body was removed from the Pandya Hospital mortuary around 9 am. Placed on a decorated seat mounted on a truck, the body was paraded through the streets of Mombasa. The procession's route included five Hindu temples where flowers were thrown as symbols of respect.

Such a sight was unrivaled in the city's history—hundreds of people, including many with disabilities who had benefited from Patel’s extensive charity work, participated in the convoy. The inclusion of rituals more common in India accentuated the importance and reverence held for Patel in Kenya. Naran Mepani, a religious leader at the Shree Swaminariyan Temple, noted that Patel was treated with the dignity befitting a king, given his vast contributions to society.

A Life Celebrated

During the procession, the truck made several significant stopovers. One such stop was at Patel’s residence in Nyali, a dignified neighborhood. Here, family members and long-time employees had one last chance to pay their respects. The vehicle, adorned with a floral tribute and escorted closely by 18 immediate family members, was a vivid representation of the profound love and admiration people had for Patel.

The atmosphere was one of quiet reflection and deep sorrow. Eulogies from notable political leaders punctuated the proceedings. Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir expressed his heartfelt condolences, emphasizing that Patel’s legacy would live on through the numerous projects he funded. A new county road and an Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) school would be named in Patel’s honor. Retired Anglican Bishop Julius Kalu also spoke, reminiscing about Patel’s support for building churches, educating orphans, and assisting the needy.

Politicians and Public Figures Pay Tribute

Patel’s contributions transcended religious and economic boundaries. Political heavyweights were present to honor him, including Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Kilifi North MP Owen Baya. The leaders lauded Patel’s humility and unwavering dedication to uplifting the less fortunate. Their tributes painted a vivid picture of a man who stayed true to his roots despite his considerable wealth, focusing on the well-being of the community.

Such expressions of gratitude were not limited to political figures alone. Members of the local community also shared their personal stories about how Patel had touched their lives. From funding education to providing healthcare, his generosity knew no bounds. The overwhelming attendance at the funeral convoy was a testament to the countless lives he impacted.

Final Rites

As the day transitioned into evening, the final segment of the ceremony took place at the Hindu Crematorium along Sheikh Abdalla Farsi road. Here, Patel’s body was cremated, marking the close of a life that had left an indelible mark on Mombasa’s social fabric. The cremation was attended by close family members, friends, and numerous well-wishers, reaffirming the high regard in which he was held.

A gentle breeze brought with it a sense of closure, but also a collective commitment to continue Patel’s work. His dedication to philanthropy serves as an enduring inspiration. For Mombasa, and indeed Kenya, Hasmukh 'Hasu' Patel will not be forgotten. His life, marked by acts of kindness and a profound sense of community, leaves a legacy that will continue to inspire future generations.

A Life of Humility and Generosity

Patel’s story is a compelling narrative of success intertwined with an unwavering commitment to philanthropy. Born into a humble family, he always remembered his roots. His journey from modest beginnings to becoming one of the most respected figures in the Kenyan business world is nothing short of extraordinary. Patel’s business acumen saw Mombasa Cement Limited grow into one of East Africa's leading cement manufacturers.

Yet, what set Patel apart was his unrelenting drive to give back. He believed that wealth had a purpose beyond personal comfort. Over the years, Patel invested millions in various social causes, from building schools and hospitals to funding small businesses. His keen interest in education led to numerous scholarships for underprivileged students, empowering them to access opportunities that otherwise seemed out of reach.

The Impact of His Work

His philanthropic work extended to all corners of society. Whether it was organizing free medical camps or supporting community festivals, Patel’s contributions were both extensive and impactful. His approach was holistic, addressing not just the immediate needs but also the root causes of poverty and social inequality.

In the business world, Patel was revered not just for his success but also for how he achieved it. He was known for fostering a corporate culture that prioritized ethical practices and employee welfare. His leadership style was inclusive, often involving his staff in decision-making processes and offering mentorship to aspiring entrepreneurs.

A Legacy That Lives On

As the city of Mombasa continues to mourn his loss, there is a sense of collective resolve to uphold Patel’s values. Plans are already underway to ensure that his charities and social projects continue to flourish. Community leaders are stepping up efforts to mobilize resources, ensuring that Patel’s work in healthcare, education, and economic empowerment endures.

It is often said that a person's true worth is measured by the positive impact they leave behind. In Hasmukh Patel’s case, his influence extends far beyond his immediate circle. He has left a blueprint for corporate social responsibility that serves as a model for businesses and individuals alike.

The sheer scale of grief and respect displayed during his funeral highlights the extraordinary life Patel led. His story reminds us of the profound impact one individual can have on an entire community. While he may no longer be with us, Hasmukh 'Hasu' Patel’s legacy continues to inspire, a glowing example of what it means to live a life dedicated to the service of others.

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